Monday, February 8, 2010


it's been a long time since i looked in the mirror and liked what i saw


Malaywood said...

that is beautiful.=)

izzati noris said...

that is not like who you are, or who you've become.

Malaywood said...

oh sorry darling.

i misunderstand.

i taught you wrote about watching yourself in the mirror and loving it.

i taught that is really beautiful because I never do.mirror scares me.not even mirror, just dont talk about me, better off someone else.

and yes.

its painful.

izzati noris said...

yeah well, we're on the same page since i'm starting to not like mirrors too

rama-rama said...

izzati noris said...

hahah. bukan la abah...bukan tak bersyukur. I'm just not happy with my person. I think I used to be better.
Bukan I don't think I have enough things or wealth or riches. Trust me, I'm very grateful for the things and the love that I'm surrounded with. I'm upset with ME


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