Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Abah, let's go to Funkytown!

*Funkytown by Lipps Inc. playing on the radio*

Me: Apa point lagu ni?!

Abah: What do you mean apa point lagu ni?

Me: I mean, what's it even about?

*silence: Abah tengah fikir jawapan bernas*

and finally

Abah: Lagu ni pasal orang ni suruh bawak dia pegi tempat nama Funkytown

Me: Dah tu yang "talk about it, talk about it, gotta move on" ni apa? Dia ulang benda sama ja.

*more thinking silence*

no answer

Btw, Abah, "the song expresses the singer's pining for a metaphorical place that will "keep me movin', keeps me groovin' with some energy"." (Source: Wikipedia), so technically you're right. hehe :)

Funkytown by Lipps Inc

Gotta make a move to a
Town that's right for me
Town to keep me movin'
Keep me groovin' with some energy

Well, I talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about, Talk about
Talk about movin

Gotta move on
Gotta move on
Gotta move on

Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to

my mistake

In the name of Allah, the Loving and the Merciful

Dear God,

I've been asking for the wrong thing every time I pray. I've been asking for you to bring me happiness. I've been asking you to make things easier for me. I've been asking you to light up my path.

Today, I ask you for something new.

Dear God,

Grant me time so I may learn to be grateful for all that you have given me and more; grant me strength so in times of hardship and adversities, I may smile and push forward; grant me patience so that in my search for the path that you have set for me, I do not falter.

God, grant me a wealth of kind words, comforting arms, and a heart that is open to accept differences so that I may bring others happiness and hopefully, through that, find my own.

Verily, you are the one who hears and grants all prayers.



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