Wednesday, June 30, 2010

its days like this that reminds me why I love them

Received an envelope with my name on it at lunch time from Aleya. Inside was a note that read:

" Teacher Fatin.
 I like your 
close and sekearf.
and you look

:) Its a good day today

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


we forget sometimes, that all it takes to stay alive is hope,
and when hope evaporates, so does life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm suddenly considering twitter.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

my parents crack me up

Seeing this notice first thing in the morning, I wasn't sure whether I should get moody (because it kinda sucks to be told to clean an entire house so early in the morning when you're groggy, cranky, AND hungry) or laugh (because, dang it! Who else proclaims your duty as if it's a Qur'anic verse?!).

I decided later that being light hearted about it would be better for my skin.

i try my best to mean what i say and say what i mean.
if you can't take my honesty, then maybe you should leave.

Monday, June 14, 2010

when mothers become tech savvy

Mama: Mama nak guna internet

Abah: Mama nak guna internet?

Jay: Mama nak guna internet buat apa Ma?

Mama: Mama nak Google.

Me: Google apa?

Mama: Google la apa pun....

* * * * * * * * * *

Mama: Fatin, tolong bukak computer and on internet sat.

Me: Mama nak buat apa ni Ma?

Mama: Buat la apa pun...

Me: Tak la, Mama nak cari pasai apa?

Mama: Ikut suka Mama la! Mama guna internet kacau Fatin ka?!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

looking good

I saw the Eclipse movie trailer last night in the cinema and its looking rather promising.
Make-up looks a whole lot better and less fake. Even the CGI looks better.

*fingers crossed* Lets hope they do justice this time.

Bumbu Desa: A Food Review

My sister Jehan, bought us lunch a few weeks back to celebrate her graduation. Stepping into the double doors of Bumbu Desa in The Curve--with the Indonesian tradition inspired interior, the smiling faces of the simply dressed hosts and servers, the traditional Indonesian music playing softly overhead, and the smell of authentic Indonesian food wafting around us--we couldn't help but to instantly feel transported to Indonesia.


We were brought to our seats then asked to choose our dishes from the spread. My mom picked out the fried talapia, ayam panggang, begetil, sambal terung, ulam with cabai ijeu, and a mushroom dish I can't recall the name of, and these were all served with a pot of hot rice. The dishes were all scrumptious. The crunchy talapia, paired with the soft mushroom, the succulent begetil, and the shock-to-the-brain spicy cabai ijeu was perfect. And the ayam panggang was so good, I practically ate the bones. My mother said, it tasted exactly like the food she ate in Indonesia.

look at that spread! you'd wish you could eat it all

our dishes of choice

For dessert, we had their pulut durian. To put it in as few words as possible, the durian sauce was cooked to perfection. It was the right amount of sweet and because we shared the dessert, we had a spoon war to get the most of the pulut durian.

the scrump-didly-icious pulut durian

our drinks

All in all, Bumbu Desa was satisfaction all in one; great food, good ambiance, and fantastic service.

Thanks Jay for the meal! :)

the faces of satisfied customers :)
we'll definitely be going back

Monday, June 7, 2010

touching earth

when a man loves a woman,
she comes to him in his dreams,
doing all the things he wants her to

no matter where you go, bring <3 with you

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

there's something so comforting in kind words spoken, 
for some reason, they help you heal.


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